Skateboard designs. T-800 Terminator custom hand painted skateboard deck. 2022. Jinzo hand painted skateboard deck. 2022. $500. Original custom skateboard deck design. 2022. $300. Akuma Street Fighter handpainted skateboard deck. 2022. $300. Skateboards on display at Pier People. 2022. Pot of Greed custom hand painted skateboard deck. 2022. $500. Frankenstein DBD custom hand painted skateboard design. 2022. $250. Resident Evil 2 handpainted skateboard deck. 2022. $250. Ryu's Shinkuu Hadoken custom hand painted deck. 2022. $500. The Shining custom hand painted deck. 2022. SOLD. Texas Chainsaw Massacre custom hand painted deck. 2022. $350 Rob Zombie custom hand painted deck. 2022. $550. Toxic Zombie custom hand painted deck. 2022. $500. Resident Evil 4 custom hand painted skate deck. 2022. $400 God of War Maui mashup custom hand painted skate deck. 2022. NFS Matariki Powhiri custom handpainted deck. 2022. NFS Black Sabbath "Heaven and Hell" album cover hand painted skateboard. 2022. $500. Pulvinar "Excessive Suffering" EP cover handpainted skateboard. 2022. $400 The Dark Ruler custom hand painted skateboard. 2022. Change of Heart custom hand painted skateboard. 2023. Otautahi Creative Spaces handpainted board. 2023. Duckewe x Dark Ballad collab board. Carved skate deck. 2023 HOME